Original Research
Exploring South Africa’s ‘black diamonds’ at live music performances
Submitted: 26 August 2013 | Published: 21 August 2014
About the author(s)
Martinette Kruger, Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society (TREES), North-West University, South AfricaMelville Saayman, Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society (TREES), North-West University, South Africa
Design, methodology and approach: A destination-based survey at five concerts in South Africa in 2012 extracted a sample of 164 black diamond attendees from the rest of the audience. The attendance motives of this sample were used to identify different market segments within the sample.
Findings and implications: Factor analysis identified five key motives and five key management factors for a memorable experience, and a cluster analysis found three types of black diamond concertgoers: Enthusiasts, Sentimentalists and Novices. The three clusters differed significantly in terms of their socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics, and especially in terms of what they regarded as important for a memorable experience at a live concert. These results will enable managers to package live concerts accordingly in order to develop this market in South Africa. The research emphasises that attendees at live concerts cannot be regarded as homogeneous in terms of their profiles, needs and preferences.
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Crossref Citations
1. A behavioral intentions typology of attendees to an EDM festival in South Africa
Martinette Kruger, Armand Viljoen, Melville Saayman
Journal of Convention & Event Tourism vol: 19 issue: 4-5 first page: 374 year: 2018
doi: 10.1080/15470148.2018.1504365