Original Research

Determinants of defaulting by collateral lending groups in microfinancing: A probit regression approach

Katlego Modisagae, Christo Ackermann
Acta Commercii | Vol 18, No 1 | a562 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ac.v18i1.562 | © 2018 Katlego Modisagae, Christo Ackermann | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 11 October 2017 | Published: 21 June 2018

About the author(s)

Katlego Modisagae, Department of Commercial Accounting, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Christo Ackermann, Department of Commercial Accounting, University of Johannesburg, South Africa


Orientation: Despite the use of group lending, microfinance institutions (MFIs) are still faced with the risk of default by borrowers and the absence of physical collateral means that there is no recourse to borrower assets for repayment. It is therefore imperative to understand characteristics of loan default as a means to reduce possible erosion of the capital base of MFIs.

Research purpose: The study identified determinants of loan default for collateral lending groups in microfinancing.

Motivation for the study: Default on loans, which can be caused by characteristics of the lending groups themselves, has the undesirable effect of eroding the capital base of MFIs and threatening their continued existence. This study aims to identify those characteristics of loan default which could erode the capital base of MFIs.

Research design, approach and methods: The study used the probit regression model to identify characteristics of loan default by collateral lending groups in microfinance in order to assist MFIs with insights regarding which factors to eliminate and which to enhance in the design of the groups to which they lend.

Main findings: The key findings of the study indicate that probability of default decreases with larger groups, more female borrowers in a group and larger borrower savings. The results also indicate that probability of default increases with larger loan amounts and with borrowers who have more business experience.

Practical and managerial implications: Microfinance institutions should consider having a feeder programme where borrowers whose businesses have become successful and larger can be passed on to bigger commercial banks instead of continuing to borrow from the MFIs as part of a group lending scheme.


microfinance; joint liability lending; default; probit model


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Crossref Citations

1. The role of microfinance institutions in enhancing the sustainability of women-owned SMMES
Kundai Koti, Florah Sewela Modiba
Investment Management and Financial Innovations  vol: 19  issue: 2  first page: 306  year: 2022  
doi: 10.21511/imfi.19(2).2022.27