Original Research
The impact of packaging, price and brand awareness on brand loyalty: Evidence from the paint retailing industry
Submitted: 02 April 2013 | Published: 01 April 2014
About the author(s)
Manilall Dhurup, Faculty of Management Sciences, Vaal University of Technology, South AfricaChengedzai Mafini, Faculty of Management Sciences, Vaal University of Technology, South Africa
Tshepiso Dumasi, Lafarge Cement Zambia, Zambia
Rationale: The study sought to extend empirical evidence on the association between brand loyalty and product-related factors: packaging, price and brand awareness.
Methodology: The study adopted a quantitative survey approach and was conducted in a paint retailing environment. Data were elicited from a conveniently selected sample of 212 consumers who purchased various brands of paint. Regression analysis and the one-way analysis of variance test were conducted to investigate the impact of packaging, price and brand awareness on brand loyalty.
Findings: Packaging, price and brand awareness showed significant positive relationships with brand loyalty, which implied their significant predictive influence on brand loyalty. The results suggest that management should, inter alia, initiate and implement effective packaging, pricing and brand awareness in order to enhance consumers’ brand loyalty to the company’s products.
Value of research: The research provides valuable insights to managers of companies on the need to continuously enhance their products’ packaging with competitive pricing strategies in order to improve brand awareness and brand loyalty and remain competitive in the market. The study also provides evidence of the relationship between brand loyalty and packaging, price and brand awareness in a South African context.
Conclusion: The marketing success of businesses depends on their ability to continuously enhance their products’ packaging with competitive pricing and brand awareness strategies in order to improve brand loyalty. Future studies should be extended to other retailing environments and product categories.
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Crossref Citations
1. The Effect of Brand Image, Price, and Brand Awareness on Brand Loyalty: The Rule of Customer Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable
Hendra Pratama, Budi Suprapto
GATR Global Journal of Business Social Sciences Review vol: 5 issue: 2 first page: 52 year: 2017
doi: 10.35609/gjbssr.2017.5.2(9)